Yako Kudasai. Otosan desu
La caja deberia llegar en poco tiempo...
Es como introducir un comando a una computadora, "Yako Kudasai"
Al decirlo, un japones deberia estar ocupado en traerte una caja
"Atencion, solo dilo en un aeropuerto, a algun japones que te parezca que sea capaz de darte una caja" Si no es asi, las probabilidades de que el comando "Yako Kudasai" Funcionen, son bajas.
Y entre mas lejos estes de un aeropuerto o de un lugar con cajas
Mas bajas seran las probabilidades de que funcione.
Think On This:
Know that only in Him, who may bring peace and harmony by or through the contacts--the thoughts of self as in relationship to the whole, may there be brought about those better relationships.
To continue to condemn only brings condemnation, then, for self. This does not mean that self's activity should be passive, but rather being constant in prayer--knowing and taking, knowing and understanding that he that is faithful is not given a burden beyondthat he is able to bear, if he will put the burden upon Him that has given the promise, "I will be with thee; there shall not come that which shall harm thee, if thou will but put thy trust, thy faith in me."
. . . First make an analysis of self, of self's relationships, of the impelling influences that cause others to act in their manners in the present. Do not condemn self, do not condemn another; but leave the activities that would bring about condemnation rather in His hands, who requireth at the hands of all that there be meted, "As ye would that should be done to thee, do ye even so to thy fellow man!"And on This:
Un pajaro
aplastado y muerto. Que tal si encuentras un hombre aplastado y muerto? Mmm me imagino que ver gente muerta es costumbre en Irak, o en algun otro lugar en conflicto. Los niños de alla no se han de alarmar para nada cuando ven a alguien ejecutado en la calle. Eso es porque estan acostumbrados.
¿Que tal si tu estuvieras acostumbrado a ver gente muerta y aplastada en la calle?
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